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North & South is the magazine at the heart of life in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Building on our long history of deeply researched, well reported journalism, our relaunch in 2020 was met with warm engagement once again by our loyal readers and subscribers. And importantly, we have been enthusiastically embraced by new readers. We have continued to build on that momentum and today’s North & South both honours its almost 40-year history and continues to evolve as the premium monthly current affairs magazine for Aotearoa.
Whether it’s an thorough investigation into why this is such an expensive place to live, unpacking complex issues within the justice or health systems, or a personal essay about discovering the contents of your father’s SIS file; North & South’s journalism is compelling and always highly readable. In our pages too you’ll find wit, wine, history and the arts — we are truly a reflection of what is engaging the hearts and minds of New Zealanders.
Our readers are informed consumers who believe in quality in all things. By showcasing your brand or service in our pages, you are connecting with an audience of unparalleled quality.
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