Trading concrete for cows: A leap from city life to country bliss

When Julia Jones decided to swap city living for the rural idyll of a lifestyle block, she was signing up for more than just fresh air and open space. It was a dream that promised serenity, nature, and a touch of adventure.
Julia had been a currency dealer and had spent years living in cities and apartments.
“I moved to Hamilton because of my job but I had always known that someday I wanted to have the space to keep horses. However, I didn’t rush into it. I took my time selecting the perfect location for this dream to be a reality,” she says.
The move was exhilarating. The prospect of owning her own place with beautiful orange trees visited by native birds and land enough to have her horses and a few cattle filled her with excitement but also came with unexpected challenges. She cannot overestimate the value of community in her rural area.
“Behind me is an awesome couple who farm. He and his wife are always willing to help, even if he does have a good laugh at my expense,” Julia said, adding that, before she moved, she wouldn’t have known what a pair of fencing pliers was and now they’re the dearest thing she owns.
“I am not a farmer but I absolutely love being out on the land. I love the physical joy of spending a whole day lifting fence posts and I never have to go to a gym,” she quips.
Living on a lifestyle block meant becoming self-reliant in ways she had never imagined. “Simple things like fixing water troughs or dealing with a broken water bullcock were new to me,” Julia shared.
There were early incidents that were not minor inconveniences but significant events that taught her the importance of self-reliance.
“I keep an eye on the farm next door,” Julia explained. “When I see my neighbour standing his cows off, I know to prepare for the weather”
“It’s not always easy,” she continued. “For instance, within the first month of moving in, the power pole fell down. That was going to be seven grand just for the power pole alone. FMG understood why I needed it and covered the cost. There have been significant things that have happened here, like 500 metres of water lines blowing, having good insurance has been crucial.”
But every challenge was a chance to grow. “Now, when I fix a water trough by myself, I feel like Wonder Woman,” she said proudly. “Each time I learn something new, it makes the next task easier.”
Let’s be honest, lifestyle blocks are work, but is it work if it’s something you love?
“For me,” says Julia, “it’s completely different from what I do in my day job. It’s physical, grounding, and incredibly rewarding.”
Despite the challenges, the lifestyle has its rewards. “Looking out my window and seeing my horses, even if they’re not always where they’re supposed to be, brings immense joy,” Julia laughs. “You learn to prioritise and let go of minor imperfections. It’s not about having the perfect home and garden; it’s about enjoying the journey.”
Being prepared for the unexpected is key. “I have a digital rainfall monitor and water tank sensors to alert me if something’s wrong,” she said. Choosing to live on a lifestyle block is a wonderful adventure. It requires resilience, a willingness to learn, and a strong community spirit. “It’s hard work, but when I learn to do something new, like mastering a perfect little twist on the wire when fencing, I feel like I’ve just won the lotto” she laughed. Her advice for would-be lifestyle blockers?
“Be prepared, stay practical, and embrace the challenges as part of the adventure. And remember, having good insurance like FMG is not just wise; it’s essential.”